Pronto Pup Co.

#4006 Setter Sticker for Apples


The Setter Sticker makes it easy to put apple sticks in those early harvest apples and helps prevent injury. Spring loaded operation.

SKU: #4006 Category:


#4006 Setter Sticker for Apples

Have you ever heard of a setter sticker for apples? A setter sticker is a wonderful tool to have when you have a concession stand that sells candy apples, as it makes it easy to insert apple sticks in early harvest ones. In turn, this helps protect the apple and prevent injury and bruising.

This is vital, since no one wants a beat-up candy apple. As such, a stick inserter machine for candy apples is a prudent investment if you sell them or simply love to make them.

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10 × 7 × 7 in


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Pronto Pup Co.