Pronto Pup Co.

#67216 Steam ‘N Clean Lid


This low-priced “steam and clean” style lid is what you need to clean the receptacle in which you’re making your caramel or candy apples. If you have a dirty kettle, all you have to do is pour a little water in, place the lid on top, and turn on the heat. Within minutes, the steam cleans the chamber’s interior. Dump out the resulting red water, and you’re all set to reuse your kettle the next day.

SKU: #67216 Category:


Put a little water in the dirty kettle, turn the heat on, put on the #67216 lid and in just a few minutes everything is steamed clean.  Simply pour out the red water and you’re ready for business tomorrow.


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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Pronto Pup Co.